
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Best of Both Worlds

I've been trying to pick up more shifts at work and thought about even picking up a second job. I hate school but I am such a workaholic when it comes to monay. Its not that I have materialistic needs but I just like to be able to go out and eat with my friends without having to worry about an extra dollar or two im going to spend. On top of that, I want to be financially independent from my dad as possible.

I get tired from APO activities and work though....so I really need to push myself to stay on top of school. BLEH SCHOOL. I just want to graduate already and work work work work. I wouldnt mind going to school if I knew what I was going to do with my life! and obviously that isnt the case.... sucks.

I was going to write more but Olive looks bored and in need of mommys attention so i guess ill write another time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Comfort in the familiar

School has started and so far its been A-okay. its exactly what i've been expecting all summer long. My lazy unmotivated days of school and my easy days at work earning money i'm going to spend all on food. Hanging out with my bests from APO and spending time with Kent. All is peaceful now and i'm more than thankful for these calm almost rut-like days. Why complain when nothing is going wrong?? Too many people complain when their lives are dramaless.

I'm so happy to have these peaceful days when all I have to worry about is if I should go to class today. The past 2 weeks were hard for me but now its nice to be able to sit back and relax.

My grandpa found a tumor in his stomach and had to have 2/3 of his stomach removed. After losing my grandma last year to lung cancer it was hard to imagine losing another close grandparent. But I know my grandpa is strong and isn't ready to leave me yet. I'm glad he is being strong but I wish I could be next to him by his hospital bed. or even at least available for him to call at all times.

My parents were having BIG troubles last week for the first time in their 30 years of marriage. My mom called me and nonchalantly told me my father hadn't been home for the past 3 days since a fight they've had. My mom gets angry alot but my dad never loses his temper so it was pretty worrysome.

The next day my mom called and told me she was too depressed and worried to eat, drink, or sleep. I offered to go pick her up in Irvine so she could stay with me for a few days but she refused and stayed in irvine. I had to stay on the phone with her for hours though convincing her that my dad wasn't going to leave her.

2 days later my mom and dad had dinner together and were able to talk everything out. They vented to each other about their problems and realized after 30 years of marriage there were still things about each other they had yet to understand. My dads left for a business trip to Peru for the next week but my mom seems positive everything will be okay.

So now everything is solved and I am back to my peaceful lazy days. I couldnt be more thankful for days full of nothing but sleep food and laughter.